It's a 360° View from the Top
"Steve is one of the few people that not only talks the talk, but can actually walk the walk.
He’s been there - as an executive, entrepreneur and coach - he can empathize personally, not just in theory."
Albert Einstein once said: “Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them.”
These words are so important especially for those of us who currently feel stuck, need a new approach, a change in life, more purpose, or are going through a transition or are not getting the results we want.
Can I hire a you for a short-term project? How much do you charge for a coaching relationship?
Yes, some clients hire me as a coach to help them accomplish specific goals or projects, but typically the relationship naturally evolves to encapsulate the clients holistic life.
My typical fee for monthly coaching depends on the amount of time, frequency, and manner in which you’d prefer to meet. I suggest working together four (4) times per month for 30 – 45 minutes each session. I ask that you commit for at least three months and we can collectively determine the productivity of our partnership. However, if for some reason things are not working, we can terminate at any time during the first three months.
I believe that we are all creative, resourceful and whole human beings and we are all striving to find the true meaning of "success and happiness".
I believe that we all have the answers, we just haven't been asked the right questions.
I believe that there is no such thing as "not having time", rather I believe that we "don't make time" for the things that fulfill us, and then we wonder why our life is a 10, but we are only a 5 on the happiness scale.
I have been a professional life and executive coach for over 13 years, trained at the Coaches Training Institute (CTI).
I work with my clients to identify and solidfy their core values - what really matters most, what truly drives them and how to prioritize the things they are doing to map to those core values.
A coach does similar to what an athletic coach, music teacher or personal trainer does, only in a more complete and bigger way. A coach challenges you and takes the time to find out what “winning” in life means to you. A coach is your partner in living the life you want and the life you know you can accomplish…personally and professionally.
A coach is someone to hold you accountable for your life, to make sure you really do live up to your stated potential and desires.
No matter where you are in life, there is always a desire for more; more success, more money, closer relationships, more peace, a deeper feeling of meaning in life, etc. It is the nature of people to want to attain more and become more, however we all struggle with how to define and get what we're looking for.
Most people believe that "hard work and doing it on your own" are the keys to finding the life, success, money, or happiness that they seek. They believe that a price must be paid to attain what they want, and often that price is poor health, not having enough time to enjoy life, strained family relationships or lessened productivity. The saddest part is that even though this effort may result in more of something, it is often not the something they had in mind, and they are back where they started, or worse, further from their real intentions and desires.
How is coaching different from Consulting; Therapy; Sports Coaching; a Best Friend?
Life/executive coaching is a form of consulting - the coach helps identify gaps and set going-forward strategies. The key difference between consultants and coaches is that the coach stays with the client to help execute and implement the new skills, changes, and goals to make sure they really happen.
Life/Executive Coaching is not therapy. We don't work on "issues" or why you are the way you are, and/or how to “fix” you. We only get into the past or deal with psychology when it provides context, unlocks and/or propels you to make changes and facilitate your agenda. In the event that I determine the client needs psychological assistance, I will refer them to a professional.
Life/executive coaching includes several principles from sports coaching, including teamwork, going for the goal, and being your best. But unlike sports coaching, most life/executive coaching is not competition or win/loss based. We fortify the client's skills and toolbox vs. help them beat the other team or individual opponent. It's a win/win.
Best Friend/Confidant
Friends and confidants are wonderful, and necessary. They have tons of great perspectives and advice. However, they tend to be subjectively vested in your decisions and can be emotionally impacted by them - positively and/or negatively. On the other hand, a coach is a professional who wants exactly what you want for yourself and they dedicate consistent, objective, unbiased time to drive your agenda and forward the action to make it happen. I encourage all of my clients to have a best friend/confidant and a coach.
Many people are tired of doing what they "should" do and are ready to what they “want” to do - something special and meaningful for the rest of their lives that really speaks to their core values. The challenge is that many can't see it, or if they can, they can't see a way to reorient their life around it. People hire me because:
They want to constantly grow and evolve
They want more and better; and more importantly they want to know their authentic definition of each
They want things to
All different types of people hire me as their coach including:
Executives and managers at medium and large corporations
Start-up leaders
Venture Capitalists
Executives in the later stage of their career contemplating retirement or a transition into an early stage company
Recently "exited" executives contemplating the next step in their career/life
New college graduates entering the work force
Who hires you as a coach and why?
Do you as a coach work on personal goals or business and professional goals?
Both. And with the line between personal and business life blurring in this generation, the coach is the only professional trained to work with all aspects of you. In my 13 years of coaching, I've found that just about everyone is looking for the magical "balance" in life, the balance that is much more than just work/life.
What happens when you hire me as a coach?
Many things, but the most important are:
You take yourself more seriously
You take more effective and focused actions immediately
You create momentum so it's easier to get results
You establish your core values, set better goals and act on them regularly
You hold yourself accountable